GDH Architectural Photography

[By Glenn Hettinger - 2022 AIA-Florida Architectural Photographer of the Year.]

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  • #InteriorDesignPhotography #commercialarchitecturealphotographer #residentialarchitecturealphotographer
  • #ArtisticFunSubjects #architecturealphotographer #architecturealphotographer
  • I create engaging professional images of distinctive buildings - 
    commercial or residential, inside or out, locally or nationwide... 
    for architects, interior designers, contractors, building product manufacturers, building owners,  developers, and trade magazines. 

    Glenn D. Hettinger Photographer

    Glenn D. Hettinger, AIAP, AIA

    Architectural Photographer/ Legacy Book Author & Publisher/ Architect. 

    Member of the AIA (American Institute of Architects). 

    2022 AIA-Florida Architectural Photographer of the Year Award.

    Member of the AIAP (Assoc. of Independent Architectural Photographers). 

    Building Owners, Designers, and Builders, I love taking pictures of your distinctive commercial buildings and building components - inside or out, locally or nationwide. My great joy comes when my clients see my impactful images of their work for the first time. My motto: "Do unto the client as the client wants to be done unto." ...which means our clients invest in exactly what they want and no more. I'm very flexible at arriving at a win/ win financial agreement - because I love what I do. Please ask me about our 'GDHA.P IMAGE Cost & License Sharing Program©', and our FAA Licensed Drone Photography.

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